Consumer culture

"You work in a job you hate, to buy stuff that you don't need, to impress people that you don't like." -Fight club

When I first encountered teen magazines as a young 10 year old, I found them interesting, they had all sorts of neat and cool information about girls and stuff, stuff that could possibly help me make my elementary school crush get to like me (I didn't succeed). I learned all sorts of things like how to act to be cool, how to dress to be cool and get girls, and all about the lives of teen stars. Once my cousin outgrew that phase or whatever it is, I no longer had access to them. It's been years since I have read one, but I wouldn't want to anyway. You see, I have matured quite a bit since then (or so I hope), I have come to regard them as superficial, pointless, and STUPID, not to mention a complete waste of natural resources and human effort.
I mean really why should people care what others are wearing, no one really cares or notices unless you are a fashion fanatic, they are meant for COMFORT not to show off to other people, if you get satisfaction and a feeling of superiority from the clothes you wear you got some serious issues. On a more serious tone, such magazines only promote superficial beliefs and values that perpetuate the cycle of consumption and exploitation. They are exploiting you, through fashion and celebrities, to consume and consume. "MUST HAVE CLOTHING", "SPRING FASHION", "HOTTEST BACK TO SCHOOL LOOKS" are some of the headlines they use to hook you in and waste your money. Men are guilty as well, with their video game, technology, and car magazines telling them essentially to do the same things. So then we have to go work our ass off to buy the things we see on ads to show it off and enjoy them for a while before we want something else, then we have to work for that as well but then it becomes obsolete the next year so we work to buy the next generation of it and then..............