Consumer culture

It is easy to blame consumers from wealthy countries as the sole cause of these problems elsewhere, however, much of this mass consumerism culture in the “north” has not been based solely on natural demand, but a artificial  demand. That is, from large businesses and industry wanting to sell more products and make more profits. Politically this has also been encouraged as it helps create a more conforming populous satisfied by material needs. As an effect of this, as such businesses also strive to eliminate competition by becoming bigger and bigger, this has become more destructive than what we might actually realize, and on a wider scale. Essentially it's profits over people, and it will never be people over profits unless it becomes profitable to do so. Money always comes first, over human rights, the well-being of others , the environment, etc. etc., it is evident everywhere if you think about it, rap and hip hop music often glorify money and flaunt it while talking about abusing women, its evident in the desire of people wanting to go to college to get more money. Their blatant disregard for  life is most evident in the fact that they exploit cheap labor in developing countries, are responsible for the high inequality in the distribution of wealth, the polluting and raping of the planets resources, and the role they play in the ivory trade, fur trade, and animal testing.